Spasmodic Dysphonia Testimonials
Below are some of the testimonials our clients have shared with us about the success they're having following our program. We hope you find these testimonials inspiring and give you hope for your future. The sentences in blue are quotes from the immediate testimonials below.
"For the last 4 months, I have been taking your supplements for spasmodic dysphonia after trying out so many medicines, I must say I have been speaking normally for the last two weeks and I am very happy with your product."
For the last 4 months, I have been taking your supplements for spasmodic dysphonia after trying out so many medicines, I must say I have been speaking normally for the last two weeks and I am very happy with your product. I had been diagnosed with spasmodic dysphonia since 2017 and since then I had been rejected to many job offers since I could not speak properly. Since I had 8 years of Sales experience last 3 years has been the toughest times in my life. Now after taking your product patiently for 4 months and seeing the results I and my family are very grateful to you. I had been to many ENT and neurologists and everyone advised me to use injections and I was afraid of the side effects. I think your product is amazing for spasmodic dysphonia and I am blessed to take your product.
Syed S. - India
"I noticed that my daughter's voice was starting to improve by week 6."
As promised, here are my thoughts regarding my daughter's health and our 2 year journey.
My daughter lost her voice at the age of 16. Originally, we thought it was laryngitis, but when her voice did not recover after 2 weeks, we knew that we needed medical assistance.
Over the next several months, we visited multiple doctors, but received conflicting advice. We did try different treatments but all of them failed. Therefore, I decided to fly to Ohio, and visit the Cleveland Voice Clinic. It was there that my daughter was diagnosed with Spasmodic Dysphonia (SD). Unfortunately, we were told that there isn't a cure for SD, but that it is treated via injections every 2-3 months for the rest of her life. Although this was devastating news, at least we had a diagnoses and a way to get her voice back temporarily.
I told my daughter that this was a temporary fix and that I would continue searching for a better solution. As you know, for the past year, my daughter did receive 4-5 treatments, every 10-12 weeks, because by the 10th week my daughter's voice was almost gone.
Then we found you Steve........
My daughter is now 18 years old and her last round of injections was 13 weeks ago. As you know, she has been on the supplements for the past 8 weeks. I noticed that my daughter's voice was starting to improve by week 6, but my daughter didn't notice that her own voice was improving until week 8.
I know that this might be a little premature, but I think that this is encouraging news because it has been 13 weeks since her last shots and she still has a voice. Therefore, I can only assume that your supplements are working. Again, thank you, and we will keep you informed of her progress.
Tricia – Connecticut
"Within the first day, I felt my breathing become freer and my vocal chords unlocked."
Within the first day, I felt my breathing become freer and my vocal chords unlocked.
Singing in the choir at church is much more rewarding as I feel I can hold my part better.
Getting a restful sleep has been wonderful. My dreams are more vivid and I seem to have more of them. I wake up much more refreshed than I have in a number of years.
I am still grinding my teeth on the left and seem to be carrying a lot of stress in my jaw. I do lots of jaw gaping and have difficulty eating (chewing).
I am pleased with the small steps of progress and am hoping for more in the future.
Barbara – Illinois
"...I am happy that I don't have the tension in my jaw and do less jaw gaping and teeth grinding."
Sorry to say, I have had a rough few days. At least I know now what good the supplements were providing.
About a week ago I realized I was running low but I also knew a delivery was soon to come. I ended up running out of the two main foods before everything else (because I had increased the dosage according to the plan). I spent the $31 to get the bottles shipped overnight just to get a little relief.
When I am taking the supplements, my symptoms are reduced but not removed. Hopefully, with the next increase of dosage, I will see more improvement. The ability to chew my food unassisted may not happen, but I am happy that I don’t have the tension in my jaw and do less jaw gaping and teeth grinding.
Barbara - Illinois (update)
"The worst of my symptoms have subsided. They are not gone but are not quite as bothersome..."
Good news. The worst of my symptoms have subsided. They are not gone but are not quite as bothersome and have increased the supplements as you suggested. . I’m not sure if they have affected my skin tone, but the wrinkles seem to have smoothed out a little. Maybe it is from the lower stress level but I have also lost 10 lbs and my skin looks younger.
So many supplements are offered for this or that on the Internet. I’ve tried quite a few and have never had the results that the company's claim. I purchased your food simply on your recommendation. It was a big investment especially since you were a virtual stranger and I was stepping out totally on faith. They have not gotten any cheaper, but they work, making them worthy of the cost. I do look forward to the day that I can start reducing the amount. Considering there is no cure, the 8 months of commitment to this remedy is a small price to pay.
Barbara – Illinois (update)
"I have not needed any more injections."
Thanks for your support, I am keen to keep taking the supplements and am more than happy with the results. I feel more energy and am sleeping better. Thank you so much. Many thanks.
Jeanette – Australia
I am happy to say that my muscle spasms have reduced, my blepharospasm does not seem to bother me as much, and the best thing is that my voice (Spasmodic Dysphonia) has been really good. I have not needed any more injections. I can't thank you enough for the benefits I have received from the nutritional food.
Jeanette - Australia (update)
"Quite early on my smile came back and my friends say that it is like getting me back. I don’t know if this is because I’m not having the injections or if the supplements are contributing (they probably are)."
Thank you for your note of encouragement.
I haven’t sent you a testimonial yet because I have a lot of things going on. I have had dystonia for over ten years now and, until I first found you, I was receiving three different sets of injections. I have cancelled all of my appointments and haven’t had anything now for four months. In the case of my eyes and neck it has been 6 months. My face was frozen into this awful mask and I was unable to open my mouth to smile. Quite early on my smile came back and my friends say that it is like getting me back. I don’t know if this is because I’m not having the injections or if the supplements are contributing (they probably are). I am managing to cope with my eyes and neck. Sometimes my eyes clench but they are not blinking like they were when I first had the dystonia.
My big problem is the inability to talk and this impacts very greatly on my life. Also, I find it very difficult to eat. I can’t chew my food so have to put it through a food processor and even then I get very easily tired of making the effort. I have no appetite at all. When I had been taking the supplements for 2 months, I found that my weight was 98 lbs. I am usually 110 lbs so there was not a lot of room for maneuver. I am 5 ft 3” so not a petite person.
As far as your diet advice is concerned – I consider that my diet was fairly healthy. I don’t eat meat and treats are pretty well impossible for me, so no problems there. I cannot eat raw vegetables because things get stuck in my throat and being on my own, it’s scary.
My great hope is that I will find my voice again and get control of my mouth. I pray and hope that this will happen. They were the last things to go so I live with positive thoughts. I think it will be worthwhile if I can get back to some kind of normality. The art of communication is key to one’s personality and it is very hard on friends when they can’t understand me.
I am familiar with the alkaline etc. theory, having read a book called Fit for Life (I think by a couple called Diamond) years ago. My late husband and I always followed the fruit in the morning and no food until after mid day. Also not mixing acid, creating food with starches etc.
Sorry about the ramble. I’m sorry I can’t phone you but I do appreciate that you are there.
Ann – United Kingdom
"I have been taking the food for 7 weeks and am feeling better than I have in years."
I just wanted to send you a testimonial about my experience with the food supplements. I have had spasmodic Dysphonia for 23 years. Just recently I developed cervical and ocular Blepharospasm. These have been debilitating. I have been taking the food for 7 weeks and am feeling better than I have in years. I want to encourage anybody with dystonia to please consider these products. They work. I still have a ways to go, but am very happy about how things are working so far. I had to stop driving for 4 months, now I'm able to drive myself to work and home. Thank you Steve for caring so much about other people. I'm excited about getting even better.
Lori W – Pennsylvania
I just wanted to let you know that my husband is looking alert. He's into the 2nd week and already his speech is improving. As you know, he had a mini-stroke. I am so grateful! Thank you and God.
Ludi - Nevada
I've been on the program for over a year. It has changed my life! Before I started on the program, I had horrible bouts of my entire face "scrunching". I couldn't control the spasms. I had been diagnosed with blepharospasm.= and spasmodic dysphonia. I still have occasional problems, mainly when I am tired or stressed, but I feel like I have my life back! Thank you Steve!
Cheryl - Illinois
"For the last 4 months, I have been taking your supplements for spasmodic dysphonia after trying out so many medicines, I must say I have been speaking normally for the last two weeks and I am very happy with your product."
For the last 4 months, I have been taking your supplements for spasmodic dysphonia after trying out so many medicines, I must say I have been speaking normally for the last two weeks and I am very happy with your product. I had been diagnosed with spasmodic dysphonia since 2017 and since then I had been rejected to many job offers since I could not speak properly. Since I had 8 years of Sales experience last 3 years has been the toughest times in my life. Now after taking your product patiently for 4 months and seeing the results I and my family are very grateful to you. I had been to many ENT and neurologists and everyone advised me to use injections and I was afraid of the side effects. I think your product is amazing for spasmodic dysphonia and I am blessed to take your product.
Syed S. - India
"I noticed that my daughter's voice was starting to improve by week 6."
As promised, here are my thoughts regarding my daughter's health and our 2 year journey.
My daughter lost her voice at the age of 16. Originally, we thought it was laryngitis, but when her voice did not recover after 2 weeks, we knew that we needed medical assistance.
Over the next several months, we visited multiple doctors, but received conflicting advice. We did try different treatments but all of them failed. Therefore, I decided to fly to Ohio, and visit the Cleveland Voice Clinic. It was there that my daughter was diagnosed with Spasmodic Dysphonia (SD). Unfortunately, we were told that there isn't a cure for SD, but that it is treated via injections every 2-3 months for the rest of her life. Although this was devastating news, at least we had a diagnoses and a way to get her voice back temporarily.
I told my daughter that this was a temporary fix and that I would continue searching for a better solution. As you know, for the past year, my daughter did receive 4-5 treatments, every 10-12 weeks, because by the 10th week my daughter's voice was almost gone.
Then we found you Steve........
My daughter is now 18 years old and her last round of injections was 13 weeks ago. As you know, she has been on the supplements for the past 8 weeks. I noticed that my daughter's voice was starting to improve by week 6, but my daughter didn't notice that her own voice was improving until week 8.
I know that this might be a little premature, but I think that this is encouraging news because it has been 13 weeks since her last shots and she still has a voice. Therefore, I can only assume that your supplements are working. Again, thank you, and we will keep you informed of her progress.
Tricia – Connecticut
"Within the first day, I felt my breathing become freer and my vocal chords unlocked."
Within the first day, I felt my breathing become freer and my vocal chords unlocked.
Singing in the choir at church is much more rewarding as I feel I can hold my part better.
Getting a restful sleep has been wonderful. My dreams are more vivid and I seem to have more of them. I wake up much more refreshed than I have in a number of years.
I am still grinding my teeth on the left and seem to be carrying a lot of stress in my jaw. I do lots of jaw gaping and have difficulty eating (chewing).
I am pleased with the small steps of progress and am hoping for more in the future.
Barbara – Illinois
"...I am happy that I don't have the tension in my jaw and do less jaw gaping and teeth grinding."
Sorry to say, I have had a rough few days. At least I know now what good the supplements were providing.
About a week ago I realized I was running low but I also knew a delivery was soon to come. I ended up running out of the two main foods before everything else (because I had increased the dosage according to the plan). I spent the $31 to get the bottles shipped overnight just to get a little relief.
When I am taking the supplements, my symptoms are reduced but not removed. Hopefully, with the next increase of dosage, I will see more improvement. The ability to chew my food unassisted may not happen, but I am happy that I don’t have the tension in my jaw and do less jaw gaping and teeth grinding.
Barbara - Illinois (update)
"The worst of my symptoms have subsided. They are not gone but are not quite as bothersome..."
Good news. The worst of my symptoms have subsided. They are not gone but are not quite as bothersome and have increased the supplements as you suggested. . I’m not sure if they have affected my skin tone, but the wrinkles seem to have smoothed out a little. Maybe it is from the lower stress level but I have also lost 10 lbs and my skin looks younger.
So many supplements are offered for this or that on the Internet. I’ve tried quite a few and have never had the results that the company's claim. I purchased your food simply on your recommendation. It was a big investment especially since you were a virtual stranger and I was stepping out totally on faith. They have not gotten any cheaper, but they work, making them worthy of the cost. I do look forward to the day that I can start reducing the amount. Considering there is no cure, the 8 months of commitment to this remedy is a small price to pay.
Barbara – Illinois (update)
"I have not needed any more injections."
Thanks for your support, I am keen to keep taking the supplements and am more than happy with the results. I feel more energy and am sleeping better. Thank you so much. Many thanks.
Jeanette – Australia
I am happy to say that my muscle spasms have reduced, my blepharospasm does not seem to bother me as much, and the best thing is that my voice (Spasmodic Dysphonia) has been really good. I have not needed any more injections. I can't thank you enough for the benefits I have received from the nutritional food.
Jeanette - Australia (update)
"Quite early on my smile came back and my friends say that it is like getting me back. I don’t know if this is because I’m not having the injections or if the supplements are contributing (they probably are)."
Thank you for your note of encouragement.
I haven’t sent you a testimonial yet because I have a lot of things going on. I have had dystonia for over ten years now and, until I first found you, I was receiving three different sets of injections. I have cancelled all of my appointments and haven’t had anything now for four months. In the case of my eyes and neck it has been 6 months. My face was frozen into this awful mask and I was unable to open my mouth to smile. Quite early on my smile came back and my friends say that it is like getting me back. I don’t know if this is because I’m not having the injections or if the supplements are contributing (they probably are). I am managing to cope with my eyes and neck. Sometimes my eyes clench but they are not blinking like they were when I first had the dystonia.
My big problem is the inability to talk and this impacts very greatly on my life. Also, I find it very difficult to eat. I can’t chew my food so have to put it through a food processor and even then I get very easily tired of making the effort. I have no appetite at all. When I had been taking the supplements for 2 months, I found that my weight was 98 lbs. I am usually 110 lbs so there was not a lot of room for maneuver. I am 5 ft 3” so not a petite person.
As far as your diet advice is concerned – I consider that my diet was fairly healthy. I don’t eat meat and treats are pretty well impossible for me, so no problems there. I cannot eat raw vegetables because things get stuck in my throat and being on my own, it’s scary.
My great hope is that I will find my voice again and get control of my mouth. I pray and hope that this will happen. They were the last things to go so I live with positive thoughts. I think it will be worthwhile if I can get back to some kind of normality. The art of communication is key to one’s personality and it is very hard on friends when they can’t understand me.
I am familiar with the alkaline etc. theory, having read a book called Fit for Life (I think by a couple called Diamond) years ago. My late husband and I always followed the fruit in the morning and no food until after mid day. Also not mixing acid, creating food with starches etc.
Sorry about the ramble. I’m sorry I can’t phone you but I do appreciate that you are there.
Ann – United Kingdom
"I have been taking the food for 7 weeks and am feeling better than I have in years."
I just wanted to send you a testimonial about my experience with the food supplements. I have had spasmodic Dysphonia for 23 years. Just recently I developed cervical and ocular Blepharospasm. These have been debilitating. I have been taking the food for 7 weeks and am feeling better than I have in years. I want to encourage anybody with dystonia to please consider these products. They work. I still have a ways to go, but am very happy about how things are working so far. I had to stop driving for 4 months, now I'm able to drive myself to work and home. Thank you Steve for caring so much about other people. I'm excited about getting even better.
Lori W – Pennsylvania
I just wanted to let you know that my husband is looking alert. He's into the 2nd week and already his speech is improving. As you know, he had a mini-stroke. I am so grateful! Thank you and God.
Ludi - Nevada
I've been on the program for over a year. It has changed my life! Before I started on the program, I had horrible bouts of my entire face "scrunching". I couldn't control the spasms. I had been diagnosed with blepharospasm.= and spasmodic dysphonia. I still have occasional problems, mainly when I am tired or stressed, but I feel like I have my life back! Thank you Steve!
Cheryl - Illinois
NOTE: Results are not always the same because each person's body responds differently.
Therefore, the testimonials above are not representative of the results that you may receive.
Therefore, the testimonials above are not representative of the results that you may receive.
Let me help you as I have helped all these other individuals

Steve Zarren
I look forward to helping you improve the quality of your life and health.
To learn more about our nutritional program, please fill out our free personal consultation form or call me at 410-486-2525 Eastern Time
9:00 AM to 9:00 PM.
To learn more about our nutritional program, please fill out our free personal consultation form or call me at 410-486-2525 Eastern Time
9:00 AM to 9:00 PM.